Pre-heat oven to 350 F or 180 C.
Grease a 9 inch baking loaf pan.
Mix the flaxseed mixture and dry ingredients in a bowl until well blended (about 2 minutes).
Sift together the dry ingredients in another bowl.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Blend well.
Add carrots, walnuts, and raisins. Using spatula, fold into mixture.
Pour into one greased 9 inch baking loaf pan or square pan.
Bake at 350 F or 180 C for 30 minutes on the middle rack of oven. Then place an empty tray on the top rack and bake for another 15 minutes, or until fork inserted in center becomes clean.
Cool completely before adding frosting.
Sprinkle some chopped walnuts on top.